How to Book a Permit for the Rawdah (Riyad ul Jannha) from your Own Country?

The Rawdah Riyad ul-Jannah, inside the oldest part of Masjid an-Nabawi, is a small section that extends from the eastern boundary of the Prophet’s Tomb enclosure to his pulpit (Minbar Nabawi) westwards. It is a relatively small but very special area named Rawdah ul-Jannah meaning the “Garden of Paradise” also known as the Rawdaht min Riyad-ul-Jannah and Rawdah Sharifah due to its sanctity being mentioned in one of the Ahadith. Pilgrims attempt to visit the confines of the area, for there is a tradition that supplications and prayers uttered here are never rejected.

UPDATE: The restriction limiting worshippers to offer prayers in Riyadh al-Jannah at the Prophet’s Mosque (Masjid al-Nabawi ﷺ) to just once a year has now been lifted.

According to the Haramain Sharifain Administration, the conditions for obtaining a permit via the Nusk mobile app will remain in place. The administration said pilgrims can obtain a new permit every 20 minutes through the Nusk app.

Steps to Book an Appointment for Rawdah

You may book an appointment with Rawdah appointment by following these easy steps:

Step1: Go to Playstore and download the Nusuk App.

Download Nusuk

Step 2: Open the App. You will see the Login and Create Account buttons. If you are using this app for the first time then click on the Create Account button, and if you already registered then click on Login.

Nusuk Home Page

Create Account

Step 1: After clicking on the Create Account button then click on the “International Visitor” button.

Nusuk-International Visitor

Step 2: Now select Nationality, and Passport Number and Continue.

Nationality & Passpoer Number

Step 3: Select Visa Number type your visa number in the given textbox and Continue

Visa Number

Step 4: Enter your DOB and Continue.

Date of Birth

Step 5: If you require any special assistance during a trip to Rawadha select yes otherwise select NO.

Special Assistance

Step 6: Create a Password and Mark both checkboxes and click on Create Account.


Step 7: Enter your Phone number.

Phone Number

Step 8: Enter your Email ID to verify your account.

Verify Account

Step 9: Now enter the OTP that you will receive on your Email ID.

Verify OTP

Step 10: Once your OTP is approved your Account will be created.

 Step 11: Now Login to your account.

Login to your Account to Book an Appointment

After downloading the Nusuk App, open it and Select Login. Now follow the given steps to book an appointment.

Step 1: Enter your Nationality, Passport Number and Password. Check the box if you want to save your information for the next time. Click on Login

Login Nusuk

Step 2: You will receive OTP to your registered Email ID. Now enter 4 digit OTP for the verification


Step 3: Now the Home Page will appear. Select Rawada Book Permit

Book Rawdah

Step 4: Select the Name of the person you are booking an appointment and continue

Select Person

Step 5: Available dates will appear on the calendar. Select a date,  time will appear. Now Select the option whether you want to perform in the Morning or Evening.  The time slots will appear according to your selection. Choose a suitable time and click on Confirm.

Select Date & Time

Step 6: Your Nobel Rawdah Permit will appear on the screen with all the details. Read and accept instructions and Click on Submit.

Permit Details

Step 7: Once you will Click on Submit the permit will appear on the screen. The QR with the QR Code and Active Status.

Permit Booked

Important Tips to Book an Appointment

Everyone who comes to Madina wants to visit the Nobel Rawdah which is not possible without making an appointment. However, The only way to make an appointment is Nusuk, when pilgrims try to make an appointment sometimes happens application booked an appointment that comes first so many people don’t get a chance to make an appointment. Follow the steps and you will get an appointment.

Check Current Permits and Download Certificate

Step 1: Go to your Home page and select Permit from the bottom.

Check Permit

Step 2: If you want to see your current permits select current and if you want to see your expired permits Click on History. All the permits will appear (Umrah and Rawdah)

Select Permit

Step 3: Click on the Permit that you want to download and click on issue certificate.

Issue Certificate

Step 4: Now the Nobel Rawdah Confirmation will appear on the screen. Select the first option 


Step 5: Select the name of the person you want to get the certificate click on Done.

Issue certificate to person

Step 6: Certificate will appear. Just click on Issue Certificate

Certificate Issued

Step 7: Certificate will be issued now download it. You can also share it with anyone.

Download Certificate

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