How to Get a QDC Qatar License in 2025? -A Complete Guideline

Qatar has emerged as a business hub and an attraction for foreign investors and tourists. These foreigners come from different cultures and ethnicities and stay in Qatar for other activities. Despite being a Muslim country consumption of alcohol and pork is not allowed as per Islamic law. However, the Qatar government facilitated the Non-Muslim expatriates by giving QDC Qatar permit.

QDC(Qatar Distribution Company) permit allows Non-Muslims to buy alcoholic beverages for consumption other than licensed clubs and restaurants. However, the company allocated a monthly quota to buy these beverages. So, for all those who want to consume restricted beverages or pork, the QDC license is mandatory for them.

This article discusses QDC license requirements, processing fees, appointment procedures, and how to renew a QDC license.

What is QDC?

Qatar Distribution Company is responsible for the distribution of alcoholic beverages and pork products in Qatar with the permission of the government. All the clubs or restaurants that sell these items must require a QDC permit. Several outlets in the country provide these items under the strict rules set by the QDC to ensure that Non-Muslims can have these items in safe and legitimate ways.

Requirements for QDC Qatar License

Applicant must fulfill the following requirements to get a QDC license.

  • Employer Concern: you require a recommendation letter on company letterhead from your company that addresses the QDC. The letter must contain your name, designation, a breakdown of your basic monthly salary, and the allowances (If applicable).
  • The letter must be in English and signed by the authorized representative. Ensure that the letter is not older than 3 Months and stamped by the company.
  • Accommodation Proof: Must show if the company provides you with a house free of cost or if you are getting a house allowance from the company.
  • Original Identity: A Qatar Resident Permit identity card is mandatory to get a QDC Qatar license but validity should not be less than months.
  • QDC Application Form: You must complete a QDC application form.
  • Age: Applicants must not be less than 21.
  • Salary: The minimum basic Salary should be QAR 3000.

Applicants on multiple-entry visas or any other business visa can also apply for a QDC Qatar license even if they don’t have a QID or Resident Permit ID. However, they must need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Being in Qatar for at least 3 months.
  • Living in private accommodation rather than a hotel
  • A confirmation from the sponsor or employer in writing which verifies all the above details.

QDC License Documents and Requirements for New Permit

Letter from Employer– Letter in English on official company letterhead, signed and stamped by an authorized signatory.
– Addressed to Qatar Distribution Company or “To Whom It May Concern.”
Dated within the last three months.
Must include:
Position: Job title.
– Basic Salary: Minimum QR 3000 (the word “basic” must be mentioned).
– Accommodation Entitlement: State if you receive housing allowance or company-provided free accommodation.
Marital Status: Single or married.
Age RequirementMinimum age of 21 years.
Qatar ID/PassportOriginal Qatar ID or passport with a Residency Permit (RP).
In special cases, applications are accepted without a Qatar ID or RP if the applicant works in Qatar on a multi-entry or business visa.
Residency PeriodMinimum of 3 months residency in Qatar.
AccommodationPrivate accommodation is required (hotel accommodation is not eligible).
Employer/Sponsor SupportWritten confirmation of applicant details by their Qatar-based employer or sponsor.

How to Apply for a QDC License?

Applicants who fulfill all the above requirements can apply for a QDC Qatar license. However, They must book an online appointment and meet with all the required documents in person. Follow the below steps to get a permit:

Register as a New Member

If you are a new member and don’t have a QDC Qatar permit then you must have to Register/sign up first. Follow the steps given below to register as a new member.

Step 1: Go to the official site of the QDC website.

Step 2: If you are a new member then Click on Signup and Register Profile.

QDC Permit Registeration

Step 3: Fill in all the details in the Signup forms, enter the Captcha, and tick the agreement statement.  

Signup Form

Step 4: click on Confirm.

Apply for a New Permit 

Once you are signed up then log in with your registered details.

Step 1: Now log in with your registered account details.

Login Form 1

Step 2:  Once you logged in Click on Online Application for New Permit.

Book New Permit

Step 3: Enter all the required details in the New Permit form including your QID expiry date, permit validity  (No of months) and attached front and back image of your QID/RP, sponsor letter and any other evidence if you want to submit.

Step 4: The fee will automatically be calculated and shown depending on the permit validity.

Step 5: After reading the Terms and Conditions, tick the box.

Step 6: Click on Continue.

New Permit Details

Step 7: Once your application is approved then QDC will send you a payment notification to complete the application. QDC takes approximately 3 days to respond.

Step 8: Now Make an appointment with the permit office.

Step 9: Select “New Permit” and click on “Next”

Step 10: Fill up the “required detail” with your Full Name, QID address, Email Address, Phone Number, and Captcha. Click on “Next”.

Step 11:  Verify the OTP which will be sent to you on your provided phone number.

Step 12: Now select the preferred date and time and click on Confirm.

Step 13:  Fill up the QDC Application Form that you will receive in your email. You can also download from below.

Step 14: On the day of the appointment, take your application and all required documents to the QDC Office. Now take a token from the reception and submit your application on your turn. Once your application is verified and approved your photo will be taken immediately.

Step 15: After the approval of the application, pay the fee through a debit/credit card and you will get your license on the same day.

QDC Qatar License Fee

The QDC license fee varies according to the permit validity. Remember that the license fee is not refundable and only accepted through a Debit/Credit card.

Permit ValidityAnnual Fee
1st YearQAR 150
2nd YearQAR 250
3rd YearQAR 350
4th YearQAR 400

QDC Qatar License Validity

The QDC License validity depends on the validity of the QID, Usually license is issued for one year or up to the maximum remaining validity of the QID. You can check the QID expiry before applying for the application. The following table guides you about your QDC license validity based on your QID validity.

QID ValidityPermit Validity Issuance Guide
1 – 2 months onlyNot allowed, Please renew QID before application or renewal
3 – 11 months onlyApplicants have to pay a prorated license fee to get the full validity of QID
12 – 48 months onlyThe applicant chooses from 1 year to full validity of their QID. Less than 1-year of validity is not allowed in this scenario

QDC Office Location in Qatar

Address: Plot No 15, Street No 668, Zone 56, Abu Hamour, Doha Qatar

Contact No: +974 4469 9412


QDC opened their new store at West Bay Hotel Park Car Parking. Visitors can access the store by entering through Sheraton Road and proceeding to the basement level 1. As this store is accessible only by vehicle only so the parking slots are designated for QDC customers.

What are the QDC Working Hours?

DayAbu HamourWest Bay
Saturday – Thursday9 AM – 9 PM10 AM – 7 PM
Friday1 PM – 9 PM01 PM – 7 PM

QDC Joint Permit with Spouse

Applicants can get the QDC joint permit for spouses if she/he has a residence visa. The following instructions need to be considered while applying for a QDC Qatar permit:

  • On request, an additional card will be issued only to the spouse of the current permit holder.
  • The physical appearance of both spouse and permit holder is mandatory when they are applying.
  • Proof of marriage is required if the spouse is not under the husband’s sponsorship.

QDC Rules Regarding Permits

QDC has set some rules that must be followed by the permit holders to prevent cancellation of license. Applicants must stick with the following rules to maintain a permit.

  • A permit is only for personal use.
  • Purchases must be taken directly to the permit holder’s residence and should be hidden from public view in transit
  • Purchased goods and permit holders must be in the same vehicles.
  • Alcohol can be consumed only at the permit holder’s residence.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sell or gift alcohol to someone.
  • Without a permit card, you are not allowed to buy/ purchase any item.
  • No one is allowed inside retail stores except main and joint permit holders.
  • Pork products are sold to Non-Muslims only.
  • Any transfer observed on the premises will result in the suspension or cancellation of the permit.
  • Management reserved the rights to refuse to cancel any permit or refuse entry to the premises.

QDC License Quota Per Month

The monthly liquor quota value depends on the basic monthly salary. Once the application process is completed you will be informed of your quota value. This quota value will only be applied to liquor purchases. Pork products are not included.

How to Renew QDC Qatar License?

The renewal of the QDC license can be done online if the previous permit application details are the same including employer/sponsor, salary, accommodation etc. Follow the below steps to apply for permit renewal:

Step 1:Visit the 

Step 2: Register Profile, if you are already a QDC permit holder.

Step 3: Fill up all the information including Permit No, Qatar ID Number, Email Mobile Number, Password, Confirm Password and other details.

Step 4: Now Click on Confirm.

Step 5: Once you are registered, log in to Renew your permit.

How to Cancel Permit Card?

You can surrender or request your permit card by visiting the permit office. In case you can’t visit the office or have already left Qatar you can email your permit details to the address, and your permit card will be officially cancelled.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I need to change the card after I renew my permit online?

    There is no immediate need to change the card. The permit card will still be valid until otherwise advised. Please do not make an appointment to collect a new card from the permit office.

  2. Are the Pork Purchases deducted from my monthly Quota?

    No – Monthly liquor quota applies to liquor purchases only. Pork products are not included.

  3.  If my application is declined, when can I re-apply for a QDC online?

    You can apply again after 3 months but will have to make sure you have the correct information and documents to upload. You can still use your same login information to log in to

  4. Does QDC Qatar provide home delivery?

    No, QDC does not provide home delivery. You must have pre-order online and collect from the outlet.

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