MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Check Online: A Complete Guide 2024

Qatar is emerging as a contemporary and modernized country and the best destination for living. To maintain state-of-the-art living, the Qatar government has its own rules and laws that are obligatory to be followed by everyone, especially driving and traffic.

When driving on the roads, you must follow the rules and regulations to avoid any violations and fines. If you violate any traffic rule in Qatar, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) has introduced an online portal and user-friendly app Metrash2 to check and pay Qatar traffic fines and is providing complete information on how to process Qatar traffic violation fines.

This article will comprehensively discuss all possible methods of MOI Qatar traffic violation check Online, Qatar traffic violation fines, and appeals against traffic violations through the MOI online portal and using the Metrash2 mobile app.

How MOI Qatar Traffic Violation System Works?

MOI Qatar traffic violation system worked under the strict surveillance of The General Directorate of Traffic. The traffic violation system uses different methods to record traffic violations, including surveillance cameras, speed cameras, Red-Light cameras, and License Plate Recognition (LPR) systems. By using advanced technology, it is observed that Qatar traffic violation cases are decreasing day by day in Qatar.

Types of MOI Qatar Traffic Violations

The most common traffic violations under the record of the Qatar General Directorate of Traffic are:

  • Over speeding
  • Using mobile phone
  • Driving without a valid license
  • Reckless driving
  • Not using seatbelt

Different Types of MOI Qatar Traffic Violations and Fines

1- Traffic Penalties/Tickets

Type of Traffic ViolationAmount of Fine (QR )Points
Driving an unregistered vehicle30002
Operating without renewing vehicle license1500Nil
Not displaying the validity date of the permit300Nil

2-  Licensing fines

Type of Traffic ViolationAmount of Fine (QR )Points
Driving without a license5001
Having more than one driving license5001
Unauthorized acquisition of a business license3000Nil

3- Traffic signal fines

Type of Traffic ViolationAmount of Fine (QR )Points
If automatic traffic signals interfere with traffic5003
Driver not following traffic signals60007
Failure to obey traffic police signs60007

Methods for MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Check online 

In this guide, we will discuss two methods to check Qatar traffic violations approved by the Government of Qatar:

  • Ministry of Interior (MOI) Online Portal
  • Using the mobile phone application Metrash 2

Must haves Before Checking Qatar Traffic Violation Online

Before checking a Qatar traffic violation online, the essential requirements are as follows:

  • Vehicle Registration Number
  • Qatar ID
  • Computer or Mobile phone

How to check Qatar Traffic Violations through the MOI Website (Online Portal)

If any traffic violation occurs in Qatar, you can easily check the violation and fines by using the Ministry of Interior(MOI) online portal.

Following are the steps of the MOI Qatar traffic violation check.

Step 1:  Visit the Ministry of Interior(MOI) website and click on “Inquiries”


Step 2: Select “Traffic Inquiries”

Traffic Inquiries

Now, 3 options will come at the right side of the menu which show the traffic-related services provided by the government. Select “Traffic Violation”

Qatar Traffic Violation

Step 3: Traffic violation check by vehicle number can be performed by entering the plate number.

Traffic Violation Inquiriy

Here, traffic violations can be checked by 

  • Vehicle Number
  • Qatar ID Number(QID)
  • Company ID Number
  • if you are not a resident and your car is not registered in Qatar go for the option of Foreign Vehicle.

Step 4: Select the type of vehicle

Types of Vehicle

It includes:

  • Private Vehicle
  • Government Vehicle
  • Diplomatic Vehicle
  •  Private Motorcycle
  • Taxi
  • Commercial Vehicle
  •  Private Transpiration
  •  Heavy Equipment
  •  Trailers
  • Public Transportation
  •  Government Trailer
  •  Police Motorcycle

  Step 5: Enter the Captcha and Click on Submit button.

Traffic violation Information

Step 6: Next, it will ask for the QID of the owner of the vehicle. Enter the Qatar ID Number(QID) or Company ID Number.


Step 7: If there is no traffic violation then the result will show like:

Violation Result

Step 8: If there is any violation, it will show the date, time, locations, negative points, and amount of fine.

Violation Fine

If you have violated before, the history of your previous traffic violations and the status of your paid and pending fines will also be present there. 

Step 9: Click on the “Settlement of Violation” to pay the fine. Use your debit/credit card to pay the traffic violation fine online.

Once you pay the fine, the traffic violation ticket will be removed immediately. You can also pay the fines by visiting the traffic department.

Pay Fines MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Through MOI Website

Step 1: Visit the MOI website  Ministry of Interior(MOI) website, and select the E-Services form homepage.


Step 2: Change the language if you want and Click on Login. Select login method “Smart-ID Card” or Digital Identity Card.

E-Service Login

Step 3: Insert Smart Card and Continue.

Insert Smart Card compressed 1

Step 4: Enter your secret Pin.

Enter Pin

Step 5: Select User Identity as an “Individual” if the vehicle register is on your name and Click on Continue.

Select Identity

Step 6: Now select on Personal and Click Login.

E-service Login

Step 7: Once you login Select “Traffic Services”

Traffic Service

Step 8: Click on “Traffic  Violations and Accidents”

Traffic violation Iand accidents

Step 9: Click on “Traffic Violations”

Traffic Violation

Step 10: Check mark on “Other Vehicles”, enter “Vehicle Plate Number”  and select “Vehicle Type”.

Vehicle Violation Inquiry

If you want a traffic violation report at your email address the mark check on “Send Traffic Violations Report by Email” and click on “Next”.

Step 11: Challan will appear now review and mark a check on the violation you want to pay, and click on “Next”

Traffic Challan

Step 12: Review the violation fine and click on “Pay” Button.

Pay Challan Fee

Step 13: Select payment method Debit or Credit card and click on Pay.

Pay Fine

Step 14: Enter your Card Number and Card Expiry date and click on Continue.


Step 15: Enter your OTP that you will receive on the registered number and Continue.


Step 16: Once you pay the fine the paid violation details will appear on your screen. You can save it and take a print of it, if necessary.

Print Slip

How to check Qatar Traffic Violations through the Mobile App Metrash2

For free official mobile phone services, MOI has launched a mobile phone app Metrash2 This app has 150 features, including renewing Qatar ID,  Checking and renewing vehicle registration, traffic violations, and other governmental transactions. These features can be changed over time. It also includes the complete details of the family members.

Apple Store
Google Playstore

Step 1: Install Metrash2 App

You can install it from the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Log in to the Metrsh2 app 

Metrash2 Login

Step 3: Choose the “Services” tab and click on the “Traffic”

Metrash2- Traffic

Step 4: Click “Violation Services” on the next page.

Violation Service

Step 5: Select “Violation Objection”

Violation Object

In “Violation Image” you can see the images of your traffic violation. If you confirm that you did not commit any violation, you can submit a request by using the “Violation Objection” tab.

Step 6: Enter your Qatar ID (QID) or vehicle number plate to check the traffic violation. If there is any fine it will show you all information about your traffic violation

Traffic Violation Inquiry Metrash2

Otherwise, it will show driving license (Istamara) expiry date. 

Step 7: Now, all detailed information related to Qatar Traffic violation is with you. If you have no objection, press the payment to pay the fine using a debit/credit card. 

Card Details

How to Pay a MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Fine Offline?

There are many methods to pay Qatar traffic violation fines such as through MOI’s official website, using the Metrash2 app, or in-person visiting the traffic department.

Paying traffic violation fines through the MOI website online is an easy method, all the steps are defined above comprehensively. After checking your traffic violation there is an option of “Settlement of Violations” where you can pay the traffic violation fines or there is another method of paying traffic violation fines also defined above.

From Checking fines to paying fines Metrash2 app is the most convenient and efficient method introduced by the Government of Qatar. It is available on your mobile phone and is simple to use.

But if you are willing to visit the Qatar Traffic Department, the must-have documents for paying the fine in person are your Traffic Violation Notice, QID, Valid driving license (Istamara), Vehicle Insurance Certificate,  and debit/credit card, you can visit at any Traffic Department across the country.

How to Apply for a Review of Unfair MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Fine?

If you want to apply for a review of your traffic ticket, and you are confirmed that it is unfair or incorrect. There are methods that you can follow to apply for an appeal against your traffic penalty. You can go to the Traffic Department in person or apply online through the Metrash2 mobile application.

Apply for Review of Unfair MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Fine Through the Metrash2 App

Here, are the steps you can follow to apply for an appeal against your traffic violation ticket.

Step 1: Log in to the Metrsh2 app, and check your traffic violation details before applying for an appeal against.

Step 2: Choose the “Services” tab and click on the “Traffic”

Step 3: Click “Violation Services” on the next page.

Step 4: Select “Violation Objection”

Step 5: Enter your QID and Official name, and click on Next

Violation Objection Remarks

Step 6: Enter “Vehicle Plate Number” with valid QID and Name and click on Next.

Violation Objection QID

Step 7: After submitting your objection, it will take up to 30 days to get a reply on your violation objection via SMS on your Mobile phone. if the penalty is incorrect, the fine will be removed. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine according to the defined procedure.

Conditions for Qatar Traffic Violation Objection

There are some conditions for applying before and after the traffic violation objection through the Metrash2 application.

  • The time for an appeal against a violation is up to 14 days after it has been registered.
  • You can appeal only once for a violation.
  • Reply on appeal will be provided within 30 days via SMS on the registered mobile number.
  • After paying a fine, you are not eligible to appeal against the violation.

How to Report Traffic Violations through the Metrash2 App

If you are a responsible citizen or a resident and witness of any violation, you can report it by using the Metrash2 app.

Here are the following steps:

Step 1: Log in to the Metrsh2 app, Choose the “Services” tab and click on the “Communicate with us”

Report Incident

Step 2: Select “Traffic” and “Report Traffic Violation”

Report Traffic Violation

Step 3: Add your QID and Name, report the violation, provide information related to the date, Time, vehicle plate number, and location, and also upload a photo of the violation if you have one, and click on send.

Proof of incicdent

The Licensing Department at the General Directorate of Traffic will first verify your provided information related to a traffic violation and then take action by imposing a fine according to the violation. 

Other MOI Qatar Services By Metrash2 App

Metrash2 mobile app offers many traffic-related services, some of which are:

  • Checking traffic violations and paying fines
  • Renewing vehicle registration and driving license
  • Reporting crimes and incidents.
  • Requesting police assistance
  • It also issues certificates like Residency Status Certificates, Visitor Status Certificates, Family Residency Status Certificates, and Change of Name Certificates.
  • Accessing news and information about the MOI.

What are the consequences, if Don’t Pay Qatar Traffic Violation Fines On Time?

Paying traffic fines on time is essential for your driving license because if you haven’t paid your fines on time it will affect your driving license or sometimes it may be cancelled. So, here we will see what is the cost of not paying traffic tickets on time.

1- Increasing Additional Fees

If you ignore your traffic fines by not paying on time it will be increasing daily after its expiration date. In Qatar, 60 days or 2 months is given to pay the traffic penalties, if not then one Qatari riyal will be added to your fine daily till you will not pay it.

2- Suspension of Driving License

Delays in paying traffic fines may lead to the suspension of your driver’s license, after suspension you will not more allowed to drive any vehicle, which can affect your daily life and employment.

3- Retention of the Vehicle

If you do not pay the fine, the vehicle can be impounded by the authorities and you will have to pay an additional fee to release your vehicle. The additional fee for a seized vehicle is 500 Qatari Riyal.

4- Can’t Leave the Country

You can’t leave the country before paying the fines, you have to clear all your dues and fines before leaving the country. So, before putting yourself in trouble and save from any embarrassing moment pay your dues on time.

5- Effect on Credit Scores

It will also affect your ability to obtain credit cards and loans in the future. so, it will also negatively impact on your finances.

How to Contact MOI Traffic Department Emergency Number?

The MOI Qatar Traffic Department has issued two numbers for people to contact at any time in Qatar for Emergency and non-emergency numbers.

If there is any emergency you can call 999, and the Department of Traffic is ready to help you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

But, for non-emergency, you can call a Traffic and Patrol Police Department at +974 489 0666.

What Traffic Emergencies, You Should Call on 999?

  • Accident with serious or minor injuries requires immediate medical attention.
  • Even if there is no serious injury, you should call 999 for immediate assistance.
  • If the road is blocked for some reason such as litter, any dead animal, flood, or water.
  • Report the reckless driving by another driver.
  • If you need any medical assistance.
  • If you witness any criminal activity, report it.

Public Service Information for Traffic-Related Problems

Contact Information of Qatar General Directorate of Traffic

  • Emergency Toll-Free Number: 999
  • Phone for general queries: +9742344444
  • Email:
  • Fax: 44872624
  •  You can also register a complaint if you are outside Qatar on these numbers +974 4494 5555 / 4494 5001

What is a Traffic Violation Fine?

If you violate any traffic rule you will receive a penalty (Mukhalfa) from the Qatar Traffic Department within three days. The traffic penalties are different for different violations. Here is a list of some traffic offenses:

  • Traffic fines
  • Licensing fines
  • fines related to number plates
  • Fines for lane rules
  • Fines for speed limits
  • Security fines
  • Penalties related to accidents
  • Parking fines
  • Penalties related to poor eyesight
  • Traffic signal fines
  • Weight and Loading Penalties
  • Pedestrian fines
  • Exceeding Penalties

The penalties and fines are changed from time to time by MOI. So, you can get all updates related to traffic violations and fines online from MOI’s official website.


MOI Qatar Traffic violations can be checked online through the Ministry of Interior (MOI) online portal or by using a mobile application Metrash2.

There are many consequences for not paying traffic penalties in Qatar some are:

  • you can not renew your driver’s license next time
  • Can not leave the country
  • After the expiration period, the fine will be increased day by day

The notice issued on any traffic violation will take one to three days.

  • Select ‘MOI Services’ from the menu
  • Select ‘Inquiries’ 
  • Choose ‘Traffic Inquiries’
  • Select ‘Traffic Violations’
  • Select the “vehicle type” from the drop-down menu, enter the “plate number” and submit it.

MOI Qatar Traffic violations can be checked online through the Ministry of Interior (MOI) online portal or by using a mobile application Metrash2.

The grace period for paying traffic violation fines in Qatar is 2 months or 60 days before its expiration.

Yes, you can get a discount on your traffic fine up to 50% if you pay the fine within 30 days of its issuance.

  • Choose the “Services” tab and click on the “Traffic”
  • Click “Violation Services” on the next page
  • elect “Violation Objection”
  • Enter your QID and Official name, and click on Next
  • Enter “Vehicle Plate Number” with valid QID and Name and click on Next.
  • After submitting your objection, it will take up to 30 days to get a reply on your violation objection via SMS on your Mobile phone.

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