Qatar Visa Medical Test: A complete Guide and Online Status of the Medical Reports

If you are planning to visit Qatar on a work visa or residence visa, it is obligatory to clear all required medical tests before leaving for Qatar. The main reason behind the Qatar Visa Medical Test is to save the citizens from any spreadable disease and provide the best possible healthy environment.

The Qatar Visa Medical Test requirements may vary depending on nationality, visa type, and stay in Qatar. Generally, the process includes a physical examination, blood tests, a chest X-ray, and other necessary screenings depending on the age and occupation.

The medical test for Qatar is mandatory for everyone above the age of 18 years. Citizens from Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines complete their medical procedures from their home country through the Qatar Visa Center (QVCs). Applicants of the mentioned countries can make appointments by clicking on the button given below:

In contrast, others must make an appointment with the Medical Commission, which is regulated by the Ministry of Public Health in Qatar.

What is the Qatar Visa Medical Test?

The Qatar visa medical test is a medical checkup program of the Gulf Health Council (GHC) for expatriates coming to Qatar for work or a residence visa. These tests aim to ensure that the expatriates coming to Qatar are medically fit for employment.

Who needs to take the Medical Test?

Every expatriate visiting Qatar for a work permit or residence visa is eligible for a medical test, mandated by the Government of Qatar. The same procedure is revised for family members before coming to Qatar who are above the age of 18 years. It includes:

  • Highly skilled foreign workers
  • Expatriates with professional qualification
  • Dependent family members
  • Students applying for study visa

What does the Medical Test include?

These tests may check for infectious diseases, blood disorders, HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, malaria (for some nationalities), and other health indicators.

  • X-ray tests are often a compulsory component of the medical test.
  • They help to identify any respiratory conditions or abnormalities and lung problems that can pose a risk to the public.
  • Checks height
  • weight
  • eyesight
  • blood pressure
  • assessments for any concerning health issues

Women may also be required to take a pregnancy test

  • The applicants have to undergo additional screenings also other than blood tests and X-rays. It includes contagious diseases, vaccinations, and assessments of general health.
  •  Blood sugar testing—for visa applicants over 40 years old
  • Tests for illegal drugs or alcohol addiction

What are the Documents required for Medical tests?

For the confirmation of your identity, the following are the documents you will have to bring on the appointment day:

  • Immunization Record: Provide documented proof of your immunization (vaccination card) history.
  •  Previous Medical Record: Furnish photocopies detailing your past surgeries and illnesses.
  • Recent Passport Photos: Include clear passport-sized photos (format 3×4) for identification purposes.
  • Passport’s Biographical Page: Submit a photocopy of the biographical page of your valid passport.

Qatar Visa Medical Test Appointment: step-by-step Guide

Following is the step-by-step guide to the medical tests for the Qatar visa:

Step 1: Booking on Wafid (formerly GAMCA)

Go to the Wafid website and click on “Book an Appointment” in the Medical Examination section.

Official Wafid Website

Step 2: Select Country

Select your country of residence and provide your details (the medical center will be assigned automatically).

Select Country

Step 3: Candidate’s Information

Submit all required information, click on save And continue.

Applicant Information

Step 4: Medical Fee Payment

Submit the medical fee through a credit card (online)

PaymentInformation 3

Step 5: Medical Test Slip

After paying the medical fee, the reference slip is generated. The system will automatically assign you a medical center near to your selected location. 

Medical Slip 3

How do I check my medical status?

Step 1: Go to the Wafid Site and Click on “View Medical Report.

Wafid Official Website

Step 2: Enter “Passport Number” and select your “Nationality.”

Medical Examination Result

Step 4: if you want to check through “Wafid Slip Number”, enter GCC Slip no.

Medical Report Check Via Slip NO

How Much Does the Medical Test Cost?

The fee for the Qatar medical examination depends on the nationality and the specific tests required for a visa. Typically, it costs around QAR 290 (or $65 to $200) and must be paid in the local currency.

This fee is separate from the Qatar visa fee and varies for each individual based on the tests and additional services provided by the visa center.

Who is required to take the medical test?

The Gulf Health Council (GHC) introduced the program name “Wafid” for the below-mentioned countries to book their medical appointments and ensure their fitness. Applicants from these countries click on the button to check how they can book their check-up appointment.


1- Bangladesh
2- India
3- Pakistan
4- Nepal
5- Sri Lanka
6- Philippines
7- Indonesia
8- Thailand
1- Ghana
2- Uganda
3- Sudan
4- Niger
5- Tanzania
6- Mali
7- Kenya
8- Morocco
Middle East
1- Egypt
2- Jordan
3- Lebanon
4- Turkey
Citizens required medical tests

Why is Medical Examination Important?

The Qatar government aims to provide a healthy environment for citizens and to prevent any infectious disease from any individual entering the country that may cause the local people. The medical examination will not only save the citizens from any disease but also identify the medical condition of an individual.

Screening for Infectious DiseasesDetects diseases like HIV, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, and syphilis to prevent their spread.
Evaluating General Health and Work FitnessCheck overall health and fitness to ensure individuals can adapt to Qatar’s conditions.
Reducing Public Health RisksIdentifies health concerns early, easing the load on healthcare systems.
Creating a Healthy EnvironmentPromotes a safe and thriving community for all residents and visitors.

How long is the Qatar Medical Test for Visa valid?

The requirement of Qatar medical tests contributes to a positive, safe, and healthy environment for both the residents and visitors.

The medical examination is valid for 3 months, and you must visit Qatar within these 3 months.

After the expiration of 3 months, you will have to restart the medical test procedure with new appointments and repay the fee.


  1. Can the applicant cancel the Slip after generating for Qatar medical test?

     For any queries regarding slip cancellations, please contact

  2. Can the applicant choose a specific medical center for Qatar medical test?

     The applicant can’t choose the medical center since the medical center is assigned automatically as per the selected city and country.

  3. Within how many days does the result of the Qatar medical examination appear?

    The medical examination result appears within 26 days.

  4. How can the applicant change the wrong data during a Qatar medical appointment?

    In case the applicant entered wrong data like passport number, name, nationality, profession, date of birth, visa number and date, passport expiry date, passport issue date, passport issue place by the following instructions:
    1. The applicant should contact the medical center and ask them to submit a change request as change candidate details or a change Medical exam request
    2. Ask the medical center for the change request number and change request submission date
    3. The change request is for free, and the applicant shouldn’t pay any money for it.


Lastly, the medical test for Qatar is an important step by the government to ensure a healthy environment for the residents and visitors and care about a healthy workplace. The Qatar Government also provides a step-by-step guide to applicants to book an appointment for a medical examination and get the results online by living in their homeland.

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